Month: January 2009

2009 League

2009 League Entry

Here is your division for 2009 league-classification-2009
Here are the   2009-league-rules  and the league-entry-form
which must be returned to the QWA WITH THE PAYMENT by Friday 30th January.


Congratulations to Josh Wu with a PB power  snatch of 22kg and PB Power Clean and Jerk of 25Kg and PB Clean of 27Kg  - not bad considering his squat PB is 20Kg !

Also Troy has started the year with PB's in the Squat and Clean


Final 2008 Records and Rankings on the QWA Website

Happy Birthday to Ben Turner who is due to return to training on Mon along
with Josh Brady on Tues -  i will believe that when i see it :)

Training will be at the normal time of 4.45 on Monday.

Welcome Back to Jason Oliveri who has been away Bobsleighing for Australia

Latest Commonwealth Rankings


Damo Number One Ranking  

Congratulations to Damon Kelly who was Ranked Number 1 in the Commonwealth in 2008

see -

Matt Swift Training session at Mike Burgener's Gym in the USA

He did a PB Snatch and Clean and Jerk 101,126
The gym background is so well known to me from various articles it seems amazing to
see Matt standing there

Here is the complete sequence -

Training Starts this Monday

Training starts this Monday 5th January.
I will be coaching on Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri Evening's from 4.45pm till 7.30pm
( I have cut out Thurs as  people that train 3 times a week prefer Mon, Wed and Fri - but I will see how that pans out)

Congratulations to Troy who is now the father of a baby girl ! 
Ben is off to the USA on the 7th and back on the 19th

Mitch Banaba will train with us on Tues and Fri
Greg Botha who used to train before he went to Uni is now back in training